Monday 7 November 2011

Redgage - an update, earnings and backlinks

Anyone who follows me on redgage might have noticed that I am currently putting all my lenses up. This is because of a change of approach, because of some information I received at the weekend that does change the site's value to me.

Initially I was spacing these out to ensure I got decent earnings and exposure to each. After I got my first Redgage card (and all the fun with that) I kept doing this because I thought it was a problem that could be solved. In summary: it can't. Visa US doesn't recognise my UK address so the card can't validate, unless I want to make a fifteen minute phone call to the US at about $5 per minute, every time I withdrew money...

The earnings just became worthless. The backlinks aren't, so I'm putting all my lenses on there now to get the boost before Christmas.

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