Wednesday 30 November 2011

More coding work

After the furor over users who found lenses on squidoo about how to make pipe bombs (more here) I'm stepping back from lenses to work on other projects for a few days.

The hatchery code is nearly there. Magistream is pretty much complete and I've thrown it out for an open test.

DragonCave is proving trickier, as "check all" options aren't going to be as simple as I thought. The Javascript doesn't like picking up the checkbox, due to the PHP array code linked to it, so I'm looking at work arounds. Multiple pages for the hatchery are still in development - the database can handle it but the PHP doesn't want to.

I've also had a tester ask what happens if bandwidth starts getting expensive. Well, that's when adverts start appearing in footers. Sorry, but I'm not paying to hatch other people's creatures!

Otherwise I've got several blogs, a set of articles and an ebook to update, so it isn't as if I'm not busy.

Update - 10:37. Dragon Cave: Fixed check all, added a "find by scroll", added images, and still need to fix that dratted pagination!

And all of this without counting the 5,000 words I feel I owe Nano.

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