Saturday 24 July 2010

Sponsored Tweets

One of the newest ways to make money online is SponsoredTweets.

This system is easy to set up if you have a Twitter account. Once set up you review and accept offers from advertisers, and agree the tweet content. The Tweet is sent out automatically through your feed, and you then get paid for clicks. If you want to, you can also use it to promote charities wihout making a profit.

I've been trying this one out. So far it's simple and easy to use, but I've run into a small issue: a sense of ethics. I won't review or endorse a product I haven't used, and many advertisers ask you to do that. I also won't endorse gambling, payday loans or certain other activities. This limits the opportunities considerably.

Also, they only offer animated badges as weblinks, which is why you won't find one on this blog.

In short, if you're an established twitter user, it might be worth giving this a look.

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