Friday 23 January 2015

And we're off - migration is underway!

And we're off - migration is underway!

It seems hubpages has been quietly delisting several of my pages. I should care. I don't. I'm moving them all to Wizzley anyway.
The Jervis Bay one has just gone, so if anyone can notified google that the content is no here:
that would help.
But it is confirmed. On 26th October 2014  Hubpages pages insist that Adsense is set up correct and I just needed to give it time. They also insisted I was getting lots of pages views. As of 2015, Adsense has recorded not one page view from hubpages...and Hubpages won't take Amazon affiliates or even my US tax number, so they really aren't worth it.
This blog has moved to where the original articles can be found.

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