Thursday 5 January 2012

Coding and more Coding

It's odd. Last year my resolution was to eat healthily, clean up my lifestyle and so on. This year, I'm back on the sugar and caffiene and I've probably got more done in the first few days than most of 2011. It seems nature doesn't think I'm naturally a health nut.

On the other hand, I've spent this morning wrestling with a directory - only to find the underlying database (which isn't my area and I can't access it) is fragged. Did I mention how glad I am that this isn't my problem :) ? On the other hand, the twin site's PHP, front end and basic non-database operations are all done.

The hatchery's going great guns - I've just had to refine the adult remove because too many creatures were growing up too quickly. Magistream is definitely gettinmg more use than DC. A full-scale DC rotator is in the works, but at the moment we don't have enough dragons to merit it and the mini rotator works fine.

And I spent the last five minutes creating a small scratch-off image game.

I can't believe it's only half-three. What do I tackle next?

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