Monday 24 October 2011

Squidoo Part Two

The new approach is definitely working - traffic is up slightly and I can get a lot of dead links fixed without worrying about waiting long periods for lenses to publish.

The major problem with the new approach is the republish. It's certainly faster to save everthing and then do them all in one pass, but re-publishing 250 lenses takes time. The first time I did this, it took two hours. The second time was longer since squidoo didn't want to stay up. Today, it's taken forty minutes.

I have made a few refinements. Using multiple tabs simultaneously in strict rotation mean that you don't need to wait for things to load. I also put my dashboard on a hotkey, so I have fewer mistaken clicks. A minimal browser set-up for the publish run (no images, no ads) makes it faster to publish, although I wouldn't suggest trying to build a lens in it.

The only problems left? I sometimes get out of step in the dashboard/edit/publish/close routine or hit the wrong tab, and towards the end I'm flagging from all the scrolling down. And then after I finish I have to go and do the ones I missed...

Overall, the results on traffic and search rankings are strongly positive, so I might keep on with this for a while.

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