Tuesday 18 October 2011

Project Wonderful - commercial product effect

I put a button ad live for a commercial ebook to see what effect that would have. This is only the result from the first test. I need to run it a few more times to get more data.

On the page it was linked to, the number of page views went up. On Amazon, which is not connected to that page, I got a small but statistically significant number of extra sales over the duration of the trial. The button tracker says that no one clicked the ad, and referrers on the linked page bear this out.

I will try this again, but at the moment it seems that ads are raising awareness of the product and contributing to sales indirectly, but not directly.

For anyone curious about economics, the total cost of my trials so far? $5. If the extra Amazon sales can be attributed to this test, it has already paid for itself.

My next test is trying this with a static button.

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