Tuesday 18 May 2010

Progress on promos

A very fast response, and I have a demo of a book trailer to review. At 20 seconds it's not long, the concept is very simple, and it's made with stock footage/audio so it's cheap. We've got some time to revise it before the book comes out, but the basics are there. Best of all, it's got the right aircraft in it, and the sounds are close if not completely accurate. (You'd need to be a pedant like me to spot the problem, and after compression it's not going to be audible.)

I'm still investigating review options, and have a few on the table.

Update: Real life gets in the way again, so I'm setting up contacts and listing places at 2am since I can't sleep. Then I'll send them in the morning so that the timestamp shows a more usual hour...

What's really getting to me right now is that I sent off the signed contracts last wek and so far have had no feedback. I know, I'm using Royal Mail, the Atlantic is in the way, volcanic ash has played havoc with airmail, etc. but at the same time until I get either the signed contract back or an email saying they've received it, I don't think I'll quite believe I'm actually going to be published.

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