Wednesday 12 May 2010

Better late than never

I had a nicely handwritten note from an agent arrive on my doorstep this morning.

Now before you say that I should not have sent to a publisher until I had heard from all the agents I sent it out to, I will point out I sent the manuscript to this one in August 2009 and they say that if you have not heard from them in three months it's a no.

It was a rejection anyway, so it changes very little. They expressed their regrets that despite "strong writing and a good voice" "they could not see a market for my work."

I'm afraid I'm only human. I cast a glance at the publishing contract I'd been about to sign. I looked back at the note. Then I indulged in a quiet snigger.

On a more serious note, thank you to the agent for your time considering the manuscript, for taking the time to write a personal rejection, and for your kind words about my writing. Very few agents do take the time to do this, and it is this sort of consideration that keeps aspiring writers going despite the increasing piles of "no". Unfortunately it does tend to invite more submissions - guess where my next manuscript is going...

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