Friday 26 February 2010

A long pause

There's been a long pause on the agent front since I last updated. This is not to say things haven't been busy - between the cats and a growing ecommerce business, I have not had a lot of time to write.

Today the silence was broken by another rejection. To be honest I'm actually happy to hear something, anything, from the agencies. Have I mentioned before I am not good at waiting? So, while I wait on a few more, I will probably make a few more amends to my covering letter and send it out again. I was considering Queryshark but unfortunately they have a backlog and I'm not sure I have the nerve.

The real problem seems to be genre - not many people write in that genre (the most recent writer I can think of was early eighties). However there is a definite demand for it, due to multiple reprints of books and several forums I am aware of asking for more modern writers in that style and getting quite disappointed there aren't any. Although I am having no luck finding an agency who handles the genre, however, I have been pointed in the direction of a publisher which has launched an imprint for it.

After a few final revisions to fit their house style, I think I might send it straight to them.

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