Sunday, 9 May 2010

Contract update

I heard back about the publishing contract. There are issues that the Society of Authors check flagged up, a few of which I'd already spotted and several of which I hadn't. Now I need to carefully compose a letter to go back to the publisher asking about these and suggesting a few alternatives.

The secondary issue is the pseudonym. They prefer authors to use their actual names. Unfortunately as I've already mentioned, I keep my personal and professional lives very seperate. Market the book? Fine. Market the psuedonym as a brand? Fine. Market me? Not fine. To be honest it would actually hinder booksales since that brand already exists and is in a completely different field.

The real issue for me isn't a standard one. Their contract blocks several avenues of marketing I've already identified (which go directly to the book's target audience), and cuts off two routes to market that I've used before successfully. If I'm not careful, it's going to be a case of choosing between a publishing credit or high sales.

I just checked several other midlist publishers for their method of publication. What is scary is that in many cases I have higher sales with my self published books. The publisher I am looking at actually is one of the better ones for distribution, which is a genuine shock. It seems that we had better distribution for the self-published book than many of the professional houses managed. Seriously, if my self-published book could get onto shelves at two large book chainstores why can't the midlist publishers?

I've sent a few questions back about the contract, but the problem is hitting the right tone. I don't want to be awkward or hard to work with, but I really don't want to get screwed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!