Wednesday, 19 May 2010

exploding lightbulbs

Last night, at 3 am, we had a power surge. We know we had a power surge due to tell-tale clues, like exploding lightbulbs, fuse box shutting down completely and every circuit breaker and surge protector in the house tripping.

If I sound not particularly upset it's because my night then involved cleaning up, getting the power back, restoring circuit breakers and in general not geting any sleep. Despite cats, a mess, pitch darkness, and other issues the cause was discovered. This morning at 8am I was at the shops to change every lightbulb we had, since the bad batch had been a boxed set. It seems that when they heated up, they shed the glass component and let the filament explode in the air.

Unfortunately, we have also confirmed that one of the cats does have poor eyesight and is genuinely afraid of the dark. When the lights went out, one was running round enjoying the new experience, ambushing feet and playing with her toys. The other one was huddled on the bed until the torch lit, when he carefully stayed inside the small patch of light right by my feet until we got one of the lighting rings back. Poor little beggar.

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