Thursday, 6 May 2010

Steady progress

Public Service message: It's election day, please get out and vote. We just did, and the polls were rather busy. If you want reasons try for a non-partisan look at the best reasons to vote (and why spoiling your ballot isn't a protest)

On the publishing front I've got five days until I hear back from the contract check service from the Society of Authors. I still can't believe it was only Monday I got the contract offer through, and Tuesday I spent trying to get a contract check set up.

I now have another finished manuscript and need to decide whether to ship it round or let it sit for a few more months and try and work on something else - like not chewing my nails down to the bone. You may have guessed that waiting on this type of contract is quite stressful.

This close to the finishing post, all I want to do is sign the contract, close the deal and get the book published. Don't worry, I know better than to sign anything without legal review. Even so, believe me I really, really, want to.

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