Wednesday, 5 August 2009

A quick update

I'm having fun with Fotolia, which doesn't seem to be able to get my account fully active (there are issues with our address). I have just added this site to blogexplosion, but I doubt I will be very active on there, as I am spending most of my time working on Squidoo and redgage. I am hoping to get to the Bournemouth and Eastbourne airshows, so hopefully there will be some good pictures coming back.

And I'm currently working on a new manuscript offline, which is taking a lot of my time away from Squidoo.

Which brings us back to the green links...

The good is that the double underline is back, so they can actually be told from normal links on the Gone Camping squidoo theme. The bad is that they are multiplying: one of my lenses had four in the intro and another further down. In more bad news, one of the other users had an ad that appeared to be selling 12-year-olds (fortunately it turned out not to be actual kids, but that was quite disturbing!)

I've left them on so far because its a test, and its al good money for the cuases I support. However it looks as though the extra money from them will be 24%, which may not make up for the drop in traffic and sales that I and a few others noticed.

I'm swinging towards just turning them off globally. I'd love to see them work, but right now there just seem to be too many drawbacks.

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