Friday, 28 August 2009

Google Analytics and new videos

Well, apart from updating the Google sites I'm setting up, I'm trying out the Analytics tool on my websites to see how well it works. It's easy to add to the google sites, as you'd expect, but I did end up doing a bit of a hack on the template for this blog to get the validation code in.

I haven't worked out how to integrate it with lenses yet, but if it runs for a few days it should give me a lot more detail on my visitors. Hopefully it will also provide information in enough detail to work out the best settings for trafficseeker. Best of all, of course, it's free!

Also, for anyone who hasn't seen them I've uploaded rough cuts of my Bournemouth Airshow and Eastbourne videos to redgage:

When I get decent editing software I will clean the clips up a bit more - Bournemouth for the sunlight and compression issue and Eastbourne because it was my first time with the camera.

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