Monday, 31 August 2009

More google sites & Widgets

Cooking with Madeira just got a fairly major hack around since I was trying to find out what I could do with Google sites.

The answer, it appears, is quite a lot. For example I'm probably going to start moving a few sites I built through free hosters onto Google sites - its easier to manage analytics, add Adsense and since all the ecommerce is third party anyway it's not a problem to integrate it.

The only thing I would say is that we will be building a few custom widgets - its range of eBay ones is not that good and mainly US only, which is not ideal.

I am currently waiting on Squidoo to publish user figures and royalties for this month. This should be the first month where infolinks are included, so its make or break time regarding whether I am going to turn them off, and possible migrate my content.

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