Monday, 15 June 2009

Lens #154 (Hamleys) and a time extension

#154 is now up, which is about Hamleys toy shop, the oldest toy store in Britain and probably the best. It has long been a guilty pleasure of mine, so I thought I'd share it!

The Squid Squad challenge has an extension on the deadline to the 30th June, which is great - gives us more time to make lenses. I'm not sure whether to reset my target to 200 or if that is frankly a bit ambitious, particularly given the other problem...

...Squidoo summer school. With great embarrassment I admit I suspect I am about to fall at the first. The challenge is to find a way to use their new Caption Contest Module. I'm useless at caption contests. I avoid them like a plague. Writing one myself is currently resulting in a very blank mind. Ideas welcomed here!

Edited to add: Why not? I made the 150 by the 13th June.

New Target: 200 lenses New deadline: June 30th.

Can I do it? Probably not, but I'm certainly going to try. And since I'm now on Twitter (Tirial_A) you can follow my progress there as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

200 Lenses.

That is a hefty target. Good luck getting there.