Monday, 15 June 2009

A small update

Domebo - the person responsible was a mod. She won't apologise despite the problems she caused the board, and costing me most of yesterday dealing with the fallout. It looks like she might actually be staying on as a mod - despite not knowing what timezones are and apparently believes there's an after hours on a global messageboard. When I checked the chat last night her attitude was basically "I'm not going to apologise." After all, I am a mere user, she is (in her own mind) a godlike mod. I didn't bother to comment.

And now it looks like one of the other mods was supporting and encouraging it. Guess I'm done with them, depending on the owner's actions.

Sometimes "I am sorry, I was wrong" goes a hell of a long way.

On a more cheerful note my first articlesbase article just went live, and I am slowly dropping my links into Redgage, a system that is supposed to aggregate all your online content. I say "supposed" because the blog, video and document uploads seem to be broken at present - the joys of being an early adopter!

The Squid Challenge closes today, so we will have to see now many lenses in each group qualify as giant/top-100-worthy. Unless someone's been holding back a load of lenses and adds them today I don't think Kab's going to win, but it's been fun.


Anonymous said...

Is this why the Domebo lens vanished?

Tirial said...

Yep, sorry. It's still available but only visible if you are a Squidoo member aged over 21.

Anonymous said...

Why's she still a mod? Are they stupid?

Tirial said...

She got voted out, so I'd say no.

On the other hand the posters who caused the issues got away without a warning, so I don't know.