Friday, 12 June 2009

The new squidoo

Well, they've put the new Squidoo live.

My first impressions are mixed. The shorter bios mean I have 150 lenses to rework, but aside from that and some HTML tweaks there's not too much to do on that front. From a useability standard point it is much much better with easier bookmark links, a smaller titlebar, and larger text.

The problem is I don't like it. I'll wait a day and hope it grows on me. But frankly, I'm not that fond of it, mainly because I find the grey text hard to read and the large areas of white are frankly painful to look at on a large screen.

Hopefully once they've fixed the remaining bugs (and yes Wikipedia and Feed my search are STILL broken) I'll get used to it. But there might a be lot of CSS hacks and font overrides going on on my lenses if I don't.

The other problem is that five articles on bukisa for two weeks have earned the same as most of my lenses earn in a month.

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