Thursday 22 April 2010

And more words

So, while I wait for feedback on No 3, Novel #4 just reached 64,000 words.

I'm trying to do 1,000 words a day. It may not sound like much but it's now at the stage of going through writing linking sections, rearranging events, checking continuity and so on, to make a working first draft. I find myself worried about something I had not considered earlier; the prospect of it going over the 90,000 target.

I also have an interesting problem with the ending, prompted by real events: the election. Large chunks of the book are political satire, taking an even handed swipe at most things. The historical precedent my current ending is based on may become irrelevant on 6th May (the joys of a possible hung parliament). Do I want to write something that could be a period piece before release?

Despite this, the query letter is written and ready for it, but I want to get the mauscript into final shape before I start revising query letters.

Having learned from my last set of submissions, I will probably just send this one straight overseas and see what happens.

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