Tuesday 28 April 2009

Willard Price Portal finally live


Yes this is actually a squidoo lens, or to be precise, sixteen of them. A bit of backstory for this one: Some time ago I set to work on a set of lenses about Willard Price and his Adventure series. If you aren't familiar with the books Willard Price, a naturalist and author, wrote a series of children's books featuring Roger and Hal Hunt, a pair of young naturalists. There are a lot of resources available about them, but they are scattered all over the web so I thought I'd try to pull everything together.

There were sixteen lenses, one for each book, a bio and a portal page (lensography). They've have been getting some steady interest, despite my neglect, so I finally decided to do something with them. As in, turn them into my first Squidoo website.

This meant adding a consistant look, making sure they all link to the portal page, and there should be a fairly consistant feel throughout. The bio has been tided up a bit - to be honest a lot. The final touch is a domain name, which went through yesterday, after a few problems with hosters who didn't want to redirect to Squidoo. So, with thanks to EasySpace it's now live.

Willard Price

Final tweaks to be made might include pointing the domain name at the bio and not Adventure series portal, but we'll see how it works out.

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