Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Waiting is the hardest part

Still no responses. From most of the agents this is not a surprise, as they have four week turnarounds.

One however has a four-day turnaround, or so their website states. I sent my manuscript out to them on 21st January, first class with an SSAE for the same. So far I have heard nothing. You could drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what nothing means:
  • Was it lost in the post?
  • Was the return lost in the post?
  • Is the agent ill/on holiday/ very busy? (OK, agents are always very busy, but hopefully you can see my point)
  • Are they too busy laughing at my pitiful attempt at writing to manage a straight rejection? (I need more confidence)
  • Did they love it so much they can't let go of it? (hope beats eternal...)
So, rather than drive myself mad wondering, my beta will be glad to know that No4 just gained a thousand words or so. They're still in my notebook and not typed up yet, but it's all progress. Unfortunately for his sanity, they are in the middle of the book and not the end...

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