Friday, 17 July 2009

A new camera - at last!

Crystal Palace Dinosaur Montage print
Crystal Palace Dinosaur Montage by tirial
View more Dinosaur Posters

I spent yesterday struggling with Photoshop, trying to get the resolution on the images to a decent level for Zazzle. The result was things like the poster on the left. It forced me to admit that mabe my old camera (which I have had for several years now) really wasn't up to scratch anymore. Since I had been keeping an eye out anyway, I took the plunge.

And I have a camera! It's Samsung, not Sony, and definitely not top of the range, but it's good enough for what I want and looks pretty durable - essential for long term use.

Since the resolution is higher, hopefully the quality of my Zazzle products will also go up, and with a larger memory card (and a lens that isn't completely wrecked) a lot more options are available. Also with access to video, even low quality and a bunch of freeware editing tools I might see about adding a few videos or my own to the aviation lenses.

I suspect I might attend the next airshow with a pocket full of memory cards. Who knows, if it works out there might even be a lens on it!

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