Wednesday, 15 July 2009

#206 Team Lotus

#206 Litespeed / Team lotus

A new lens, about the possible return of Team Lotus to Formula One. Admittedly it would in fact be the Litespeed Team F3 racing under than name Lotus, but the green and gold might be making a comeback. If they don't get a place this lens is likely to be short-lived, but it's certainly interesting to watch the news as it breaks.

To be honest, I was feeling rather neutral and not particularly impressed about it right up until I read about their weekend at Oulton Park. Summarised it goes: crash the car, sweep the pieces up from a 100M wide area, spend twenty-four hours sticking it back together and race it anyway. Considering some of the stories about the unconventional Colin Chapman (e.g. strapping a colleague to the bonnet to test airflows - at 100mph. Daily Telegraph), it just seems a rather appropriate.

Other than that, my update program rolls on. The lens with the most changes so far has been one of my more recent ones: Isabella, she-wolf of France.

Focusing on the Queen of England who was married to and overthrew Edward II, I noticed a few issues with the lens. My original concept had been to do it as an illustrated manuscript, but having done so I noticed a few flaws from the user's point of view: Lack of resources for further reading. I've added links to several of the better biographies. Too many typos, some really quite poor. And obviously all the problems caused by the changed layouts. Hopefully all are now fixed.

Just remember, if you read this lens and wonder why some of the well known bits of the history are missing, I'm trying to keep the fourteenth century PG rated. It's not easy!

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