Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Nano Update

Nano Update

36,000 words.

I haven't been sleeping well, so I've been taking notebooks to bed and writing. I'm on my fourth. Considering I was on zero a week ago that's not bad. If I typed it up, editing it as I went it would probably extend by 1.5, which is what usually happens, but that's not in the spirit of Nano. Now if only I could do the same thing with my current stories...

I do have to say one thing Nano is good for, and that is blowing writer's block out of the water. Now I'm torn between wishing I could sleep and writing down every idea as it comes as quickly as I can before the next one rushes in.

Read more.

This blog has moved to http://www.rablogs.co.uk/tirial where the original articles can be found.

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