Monday, 6 February 2012

Websites, networks and more

A new social network, a new articles site, new this, new that and new the other.

I'm not going to be really picking up on these for a while, since today is likely to be bugfixing. This morning we fixed a small database issue with the Squidoo science pages. This afternoon I have a bug list to tackle on the Smashwords stuff and if I get some of those done I need to work on a game engine which is proving tricky (read bloody awkward).

The hatchery is doing well though, and we have no integrated the adult check into the page so it runs slightly slower, but prunes adults a lot more often so eggs get to the front faster. It's also started producing more adults and fewer dead eggs or hatchlings leaving without growing up.

And right now I have a website to build for the widgets...a coder's work never ends, at least not if they want to pay the bills!

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