Friday, 6 January 2012

More work done...

The database problem is fixed, so I should be going back to the front end to get the rest of the functionality built. Here's an ethical issue - when there's less than 10% of the original code left, can I change the licence information to read "based on"? After all, anyone downloading the original package expecting the custom work we've just done is going to get a nasty shock.

And a new wizzley page: Since the hatchery gained a twitter account and a Unicreatures hatchery over the last few days, I thought I'd also add it to wizzley for a few more hits.

My next project? Tweaking the blog templates to swap the Adsense under each post for a Project Wonderful ad - it's a better position for advertisers, so it's only fair it goes to the advertisers who support the blog.

ETA: Adding the Project Wonderful banner was surprising painless - all I need to do now is work out how on the template how to count how many times it shows on the page and cut it down by a few so it isn't so overpowering.

This blog is being used as my live testbed, so apologies if it looks a bit odd during testing today.

ETA AGAIN: YES! There is a tag for it! Now I just have the other four blogs to do. It won't improve revenue, but hopefully it will give the advertisers a bit more exposure.

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