I am not a happy person right now, after finding one of my articles pushed to the third page of search results - by stolen copies of itself.
Now I have already had problems with the massively inappropriate ad content google have served on my blogs, so my patience was stretched. My current feelings towards Google are difficult to sum up - but after their last set of Adsense tokens arrived right after they failed to act on copyright over this, I've got MacAlmont and Butler's "Yes" playing in the background.
Yes I do feel better
After all, Google may have asked me to publicly disclose my name, address and all those details that identity thieves love so Google can put them online(?!) before they will act on copyright. This seems rather like if your wallet is stolen, the police insisting that you have to hand the thief your name and address and display them on a billboard in the town square before the authorities will take action and return your goods.
Yes I do, I feel alright
And it's not as if Bing took a look at the comparable article dates and licence, and nuked the offending sites from their search results - oh wait... Well it would have been nice if Google did the same, since they are making so much noise about their new algorhythm being able to detect content freshness, which would logically let it detect the earliest occurrance of an article and therefore a have good idea of its originating source...
Anyway excuse me, I hear a refrain.
I feel well enough to tell you what you can do with what you've got to offer...
*Lyrics from McAlmont and Butler's Yes (Full Version)
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