Friday, 28 October 2011

Translating Squidoo lenses

Under the terms of the T&Cs Squidoo lenses can now only be in English. People used to create them in a variety of languages but these were harder to moderate. The problem is that this restricts your audience to english speakers only, which really limits the reach of your lens.

To get round this there have been a variety of methods, from my old clearspring translate module which is now disabled, to translating your lens in Babelfish and saving the contents off-site, which has a huge overhead on updating.

I've had another go at it. My new solution requires you to know how to use copy and paste, and a text module. That's it.

My old translate-lens lens above has been updated with details. The solution is still in beta and doesn't look very pretty, but the functionality is there and the output it generates works.

Once embedded it translates the lens on the fly, so there is no need for lensmaster to retranslate everytime they update. It uses Babelfish, so the translation quality may be a bit patchy, but will improve as Babelfish improves. And finally it's easy to use.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

If any squidoo experts out there want to convert this into a custom module it would be pretty easy using the existing BlackBox functionality, it has one $path variable and doesn't need to make a database call, and I'd love a dedicated translate module. (Give me a way to code it in Notepad and I'll build it myself, but I find squidoo's IDE unapproachable).

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