Monday, 19 September 2011

An update

I haven't blogged for a while since Google's cookie set-up made it difficult to log into my account without having google try to link it to the work account I manage for an employer. (This frantic urge by certain companies to link everything up online is irritating. I hear Facebook is worse.)

Rant for the day: Tailored advertising has resulted in my finally cracking on my desire to not block ads and downloading Adblocker. After all, if I'm not interested in the ad the first time, show me something different on the next page, not the same blasted thing 600 times! I'm not going to click on it, but I may start to think your company are a) annoying and b) rude. Rant over.

Some changes here: I have split my fiction writing into another blog/Squidoo account to make it easier to manage, not least because I've got two more titles out. Currently I'm rather busy with three more books being worked on.

I'm slowing withdrawing my content from Bukisa, after finding some of it on a PLR site (now pulled) and included in a for-profit ebook with someone else's name on it (now pulled). Their switch to shared-advertising revenue has killed any earnings since they won't accept my adsense account, as I'm outside the US and don't have a zip code. It's either going in free e-books online or on lenses. Some may yet end up on Associated Content, but I'd have to check their licencing.

I'm moving my ebooks from Lulu to Smashwords, giving them a re-edit in the process. The result has been a success: The Three Great Ships of Isambard Kingdom Brunel is now their most downloaded non-fiction history title. Rather anxiously, I've turned on premium distribution, so these things should start turning up on B&N, Apple etc. over the next few months.

The cats are still cats. Some things don't change.

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