Tuesday, 6 April 2010

And progress is made slowly...

Over Easter I got two more rejections - one at 1am Easter Sunday. Both were form rejections, so no useful information or advice unfortunately. On the other hand that is the last of the UK ones for that manuscript, so hopefully the genre's not as dead overseas.

I've had the book on the left recommended to me, and when I checked out whether it was good as claimed, I found it was also highlighted on the howpublishingreallyworks blog. Hopefully that's a ringing endorsement.

On the garden front the cress and mustard I grew have gone, and the lettuce is now seriously taking route. I also have seven dwarf bean plants taking over the kitchen.

And on the article front? I've just added another article to Bukisa, and am looking forward to them getting the bugs out of their topic pages, since one of their topics is the GWR. I have also published my first hub on hubpages, but may well not do another one. I'll blog here once I've got my thoughts together on it, but it's another US/non-US issue.

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