I used my old hubpages account at the weekend and set up my first live hub, about USB Cell batteries. This was very much a test to see how it would work.
The good.
It's quick and easy to use - in some ways easier than Squidoo.
The bad.
It's less flexible, with a smaller range of modules and a limited amount of embedding allowed.
The issues
Now to get down to the problem: I do these pages to raise money for charities I support.
Squidoo gives a payment for lenses that attract visitors and a share of affiliate income and the chance to embed donate modules or your own affiliate, while Bukisa gives a straight payment-per-visit for articles. Hubpages does neither - any revenue raised must be raised through membership of affiliate schemes or advertising by the owner. To me this means there's no real benefit to writing good content, particularly as you then have to stuff it full of distracting ads and hope someone clicks on them. If you've been following the blog you know my opinions of Infolinks when they turned up on Squidoo...
For anyone doing this for income, there's a bigger problem: Their affiliate setup only works if you are a US citizen - the UK Amazon account I tried to link does not work as the tags aren't acknowledged. I tried embedding links directly, but apparently that is not allowed by their HTML editor. So far the only one I've got working is Kontera, and that's too similar to Infolinks for my liking.
Would I continue doing Hubpages? To be honest, my initial impression is not entirely positive. I'll probably do a few to promote my articles and lenses from bukisa or elsewhere. They are quick and easy to create but the failure to embed affiliates means they produce no income or charity donation, and I get more traffic elsewhere.