Monday, 8 March 2010

No news is good news?

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No real updates, but reviewing the current state of play it is interesting.  Every agent who has rejected (aside from the one who sent me someone else's rejection slip, and the interesting one I got last week) has said there is no market for the genre in Britain. Ironically these are all agents whose websites and Writers' and Artists' Yearbook 2010 entries state that they specialise in it...

One did stand out however, as being particularly honest right upfront: They said they loved the book but could not sell it because none of the publishers they dealt with would be interested in adventure stories. However if I sold it, I should get back in touch as they would happily take me on as a client.  Since agents rise and fall on their authors' reputations and these ones are reasonably established it's the closest thing to a vote of confidence I've yet had, although my nasty cynical side suggests that most companies would be happy to make easy money at the point.I'm going with the good version:

Thanks guys, I needed the boost.

On the other hand, spending the last week dealing with four net scammers, an escaped cat and a nasty computer virus (rogue anti-virus which we suspect was sent by one of the four previously mentioned) has pretty much wiped me out. Can this week be better please?

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