Thursday, 17 December 2009

A yearly roundup

Well, nearly at the end of 2009, and I don't know if I will get another chance to blog, so here's a quick roundup. All in all it's been a busy year:

On the literary front I've finished two novels - a bit of a change of direction from my normal books, but definitely interesting. In November I completed Nanowrimo, although that story is not finished. Instead of December being the month of novel-finishing it was the month of frantic ecommerce.

Online it's been busy: I've built a steady income from royalties on print articles but between discovering article writing, and affiliate marketing this has expanded my options. On the charity front, on Squidoo I got two hundred-plus lenses done and completed my target 200 challenge to myself.
  • Made Squdioo Giant
  • Made Squidoo Top 100
  • MVP for KabFab's squid squad

And of course, that doesn't count moving house and getting the cats.

On a side note however, I would say that getting inside two nuclear bombers this year would definitely count as a high spot, as would getting a chance to have a look round the A1 Tornado when it pulled into the station.

It's been a mixed year. Hopefully 2010 will be a better.

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