Monday, 7 September 2009

A Flickr problem

Right, well, it seems there is a small problem with FlickR on Squidoo.

A few weeks ago Squidoo changed the FlickR module to make sure all the images it pulls in are creative commons, or ones that you own the rights to. This should not have affected my lenses in the slightest (I own most and the rest are set to creative commons), so I didn't pay much attention.

And then I got the comment - a very polite one but nonetheless one pointing out that Flickr was pulling in the wrong images about Biggin Hill 2009. That it was in fact pulling in the commenter's images, which were not Biggin Hill 2009.

So I checked it. Yep, apparently the Flickr module now interprets a request to produce "Biggin Hill Airshow 2009" photos from my username, as one that should produce his (extremely good) photos of Eastbourne Airshow 2009. Headdesk.

Ater much frantic coding failed to fix the issue, I gave up and pulled the whole Flickr gallery. Since I don't know if the problem is FlickR or Squidoo (I suspect the change made a few weeks back) the images are now linked off Redgage: Click here to view.

This now means I have 200 lenses to run through and see what other deranged and highly embarrassing subsitutions have been made by the new Flickr module. Just what I need on a Monday morning, but at least I now know about the problem.

And once again, my most sincere apologies are offered to the person in question. Thanks for being so polite about it.

(And if anyone else notices something like that on a lens, please let me know.)

In other news, my newer project Tim and Tobias a google site is now live. I'm moving my freehosts site across to google sites as it's easier and quicker to integrate Google than build a site from scratch.

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