Sunday, 17 May 2009

Two new lenses

Well, I'm not quite happy with either of them, but since its been tipping it all morning, I thought I might as well put them live.

#127 GWR Star class Steam Engines

About the Star Class, the first steam engines created for the Great Western Railway after their initial issues with the engines built to Brunel's specifications. These engines gave rise to the successful Firefly class.

English Electric Canberra Prototype
The BAC prototype

#128 English Electric Canberra (the B57)

Done at the suggestion of Spook, another lensmaster, this one was tricky. The Canberra is still in service with airforces around the world, while most of the aircraft I write about have been long retired. Also, it has a very long service history, 57 years. Rather than try to cover this in detail - it's been done better elsewhere by people more familiar with the plane - I've tried to create the lens as an intro with links to the relevant sites and resources.

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