Monday, 27 April 2009

Directory of Lenses

Since I got over 100 lenses, trying to keep track of them all has been a bit difficult. As a result I've set up a directory of the lenses and am slowly adding all my lenses to it.

The layout is reasonable, but I'm still trying to figure out how to put a search on it. I might move the directory somewhere else if I find one with better facilities.

Most recently updated lens:
Rather than creating a new lens I went back to this one for the Domebo online community and forum. There's new IRC details, a twitter feed and a few text changes, as well as the RSS of latest topics on the board for anyone who wants to have a look.

Domebo spun off from a board I used to go to, and despite only being a couple of months old, is growing pretty rapidly. It focuses on articles, information and general interests - the front page has had articles on everything from Kimono collections to whether there are athiests in foxholes.

(summary: yes, it's the smartest place to be when people start shooting.)

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